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Moxxie Knolastname is one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Stolas) of Helluva Boss, a spin-off series set in the same universe as Hazbin Hotel. He is the weapons analyst for I.M.P, Blitzo's right-hand man and “best friend”, and Millie's husband.


Moxxie is an imp with red skin and white freckles on his cheeks. His white pointy hair leads up to his curvy black and white striped horns. He also has yellow sclera with black slit pupils. Moxxie has a long red thin tail with a quadrilateral barb at the end, as well as lanky digitigrade legs ending in what appears to be cloven red hooves, reminiscent of artiodactyls.

Moxxie's usual outfit consists of a navy-black coat with red buttons and white cuffs, black pants a white shirt that has a black turtleneck, a large red bow-tie, and fingerless gloves.


Moxxie is the I.M.P's weapon specialist; and as such, has a vast knowledge of weapons and often brings a variety of them along during jobs.

He is often the most vocal and realistic of the employees regarding the company as a whole despite its dysfunctional environment and is bullied consequently.

He is also shown to be insured about himself since he’s not physically strong since Striker, Lin and Joe was giving him a hard time since they believe physical strength is what makes a person strong.

Moreover, he is an imp who is easily annoyed and rather clumsy, as he trips over their ritualistic book on the way through the portal to the living world.

Despite being a murder-for-hire imp, it seems Moxxie is queasy with unnecessary killing beyond their targets. He also is uncomfortable with the idea of killing targets who have families, and attempts to give people second chances, as seen in "Murder Family".

Moxxie is also shown to have a comical side, as when he talks about killing an entire family, he claims it might be alright if it was just a shitty dad or a mob family, saying "That's understandable" in an accent.

When finding out Blitzo used to date Verosika Mayday, he asked if she had suffered blindness or brain damage, implying that a pop star such as her wouldn't usually date Blitzo unless they had some form of mental disability.

When intoxicated, he loses all common sense and becomes quite delusional, as shown when he asks Millie why she has "four heads", and high-fived her instead of grabbing her hand straightaway. He also is shown to become increasingly flirtatious with her when drunk.


Moxxie was born in the Wrath Ring to Crimson and a unnamed female imp, but was raised and spent most of his life in the Greed Ring. Moxxie's relationship with his father and mother was bleak, with Crimson unhappy of Moxxie's lack of commitment to his criminal lifestyle, and his mother's attempts to steer him away from said lifestyle.

It is hinted that Crimson ordered Moxxie's mother to be murdered. Crimson continued to force Moxxie to accept his criminal obligations, such as forcing him to execute imps and participate in violent skirmishes. Moxxie was eventually elevated as a fully fledged member of his father's mafia.

During his elevation to full member of the mafia Moxxie met and immediately fell in love with Chazwick Thurman. The two dated for some time and were even involved in gang wars together, but their relationship ended when in a heist gone wrong Moxxie's leg was trapped and Chaz fled leaving Moxxie to be arrested. In prison Moxxie met Blitzo and presumably helped him with his escape plan.

At unknown points of time before the beginning of the series Moxxie met and married Millie and joined I.M.P.

Hazbin Hotel pilot[]

Moxxie was in the 666 News Studio where he watched Charlie Morningstar's interview and performance about her opening a hotel to redeem guests.

Helluva Boss Season 1[]

"Murder Family"[]

At I.M.P Headquarters Moxxie aims his crossbow at a picture of an "innocent" family held by Loona, but worries about ever having to kill a human family. When Blitzo enters the room to introduce their client, Moxxie is startled and shoots a bolt that ricochets around the room, knocking over a tank of eels and setting the building on fire.

When they reach the targets house Blitzo is about to shoot the target until Moxxie purposely makes him miss because she had her family with her. Blitzo scolds Moxxie but after getting shot in the arm he flees to the forest while Moxxie stays hiding in the bushes leading leading to his capture by the kids.

Moxxie awakens tied to a chair in a room full of corpses used as decorations, and sees a fire through the windows. After the girl pulls out a knife, Moxxie knocks over the chair onto her and uses her knife to get free and races into the forest.

Moxxie arrives and saves Blitzo and Millie by shooting Martha. Moxxie apologizes to his boss for interfering with the mission and after being untied Blitzo threatens Moxxie to never hesitate again or else he'll sexually assault him and Millie as punishment.

As Blitzo has a portal created by Loona, Moxxie says he has to get something from the house and runs off. At the house Moxxie berates Ralphie and his children for being monsters, but instead of killing them he calls the human authorities.

At the portal back to Hell, Moxxie watches as the police arrive and is horrified when the house is obliterated with the family still inside by a missile fired from a police helicopter. Then Moxxie is dragged back to Hell.

Later, Blitzo and the rest of the gang congratulate Moxxie on a successful job, but Moxxie has a distressed expression on his face.

"Loo Loo Land"[]

Moxxie, along with the rest of I.M.P, go to Loo Loo Land as hired guards to protect Stolas and Octavia.

Millie takes Moxxie to ride on "The Lawsuit" roller-coaster, which makes him throw up afterwards, and the pair end up at a shooting gallery carnival game. Moxxie enters to win Millie a "Thing?" and shoots a bullseye but the target doesn't go down, and the operator goads him into continuing to buy further games.

Millie attempts to shoot the target but despite missing the target goes down, leading Moxxie to call out the operator, but is pushed aside so the operator could flirt with Millie. Suddenly, Blitzo falls through the roof of the shooting gallery and Moxxie takes a "Thing?" as he and his wife run off to guard Stolas.

Later, Moxxie rides upon a dragon that eats the Robo Fizz attacking Blitzo. Then he, Blitzo, and Millie are sent flying outside Loo Loo Land, commenting that Blitzo ruined another good thing before passing out.

"Spring Broken"[]

After the I.M.P carpark is stolen, Moxxie exits the company van shocked that Blitzo had dated a popstar.

Inside the I.M.P Headquarters building Moxxie enters Verosika's office to try to reason with her and her fellow succubi demon posse, but they take on full demonic forms to sexually assault him.

Later, Moxxie criticizes Blitzo's plan to win his bet and his plan to get clients. On Earth, Moxxie helps kill several targets and ends up hiding on a table of kegs where he prepares to take out a target with a crossbow, but when a drunk partygoer flips the table he lands amongst the crowd, is mistaken for a possum and stuffed into one of the kegs where he involuntarily swallows large portions of the alcohol.

After a catfish mutated into a monster, it makes easy prey of the drunken Moxxie, grabbing him with its tongue and swallowing him whole. Millie rescues Moxxie and kills the monster.

Later when Verosika tries to reprimand the imps for not being in disguise, Moxxie drunkenly hisses that he was mistaken for a possum. Then Millie carries the drunken Moxxie through the portal and back to hell.


In the I.M.P meeting room, Blitzo was entertaining himself shooting televisions whenever Moxxie found an annoying program until Loopty Goopty breaks into the building through the wall that crushes Moxxie.

Blitzo, Moxxie and Millie go to Earth and watch their target, Lyle Lipton, with snacks in hand as he is tying a noose for himself until the cherubs interrupt with a flash. The three imps attempt to convince Lyle to continue the process of taking his own life by showing him the worst of the world as they refute against the cherubs attempt to convince him to stay alive.

When the cherubs take Lyle to an opera and Blitzo attempts to ruin the show, the imps and cherubs begin fighting and Moxxie shoots a sandbag to stop Keenie from fighting Millie. Moxxie then swings over and catches Millie the pair begin making out as they swing above the stage and removing pieces of their clothing.

After Lyle dies from a falling piano and I.M.P are back in their meeting room, Moxxie avoids being crushed again but another escalator crashes through the wall and squashes him. As Moxxie is trapped, frothing at the mouth and groaning in agony, Blitzo yells that Moxxie's gonna have to fix all the damages.

"The Harvest Moon Festival"[]

In bed in his home, Moxxie is awoken by a call from Blitzo who was found to be watching him and his wife sleep.

I.M.P arrives at Rough n' Tumbleweed Ranch in the Wrath Ring for the Harvest Moon Festival. Millie reintroduces Moxxie to her parents, Joe and Lin, who give him a cold welcome and mock him.

While Millie complains about not being able to compete in the Pain Games, Moxxie says that she can cheer for him as he intends to enter. Moxxie then attempts to wrangle one of the demon hogs for dinner but ultimately fails, and Striker leaps in and pushes him out of the way to quickly and easily kill the beast.

The next day in the Pain Games, Moxxie fails every event and is attacked by a hell shark in several. After the games are done, Moxxie's resentment of Striker grows as he performs a victory song and is visibly hurt when he finds out Blitzo offered Striker a job. When Striker tells Moxxie to "go fuck himself" in his song Moxxie tears up, and at the suggestion of Millie leaves to get cleaned up.

Back at the ranch, Moxxie discovers in Striker's room a Carmine-crafted blessing-tipped rifle. Striker attacks Moxxie and chokes him intending to kill him, but in the struggle Millie appears and begins repeatedly stabbing Striker in the back to save Moxxie.

Striker takes the incapacitated Moxxie and Millie and tosses them into the farmhouse cellar to deal with later. Moxxie uses a gun to break free and goes to confront Striker, and while Blitzo has Striker distracted Moxxie grabs the holy rifle. Moxxie, alongside Blitzo, fight against Striker and the pair manage to corner him, but when Moxxie gets inadvertently knocked aside by a door being kicked into his face, Striker takes the opportunity and escapes.

The next day outside the ranch, when Lin berates Millie for letting Striker get the drop on her Moxxie stands up for her, telling her parents that they should be ashamed for hiring Striker in the first place and that Millie has enough strength for both of them. Joe acknowledges Moxxie's input for the first time with a simple nod, which Millie comments on.

"Truth Seekers"[]

Moxxie and Blitzo are captured by a pair of agents and later awaken tied to chairs. Moxxie attempts to get free until the agents appear and begin questioning them, but are stopped by Blitzo wanting coffee and Moxxie explaining at length what beverage he wants.

The imps don't take them seriously and begin to make jokes towards the agents, much to the agents' frustration. The agents, sick of the mocking, leave the room and fill it with gas that makes the imps start telling the truth and begin hallucinating.

In Moxxie's hallucination he walks up stairs in a The Phantom of the Opera-style music number and confronts Blitzo on how he acts to those around him, and admits to Blitzo that he tries to please everyone and keeps his true feelings hidden away. In Blitzo's hallucination Moxxie appears as a sludge-like creature before turning into a paper version of himself and begins tormenting Blitzo about his toxic and selfish personality.

Millie and Loona arrive and free Blitzo and Moxxie, but before they can escape numerous D.H.O.R.K.S. agents appear and surround them. I.M.P begin slaughtering the humans, Moxxie using a multitude of firearms, but when the building goes into lockdown they become trapped within the interrogation room until Stolas arrives to bring them back to Hell.


After a day of killing lumberjacks on Earth, I.M.P returns to Hell and Moxxie announces his reservations to take Millie to Ozzie's to celebrate their first wedding anniversary. Later, Moxxie takes Millie on the Elevator to the Lust Ring and enter Ozzie's, unaware that Blitzo followed them.

At the club, Fizzarolli introduces Moxxie to the stage. On stage Moxxie begins to sing a love song to Millie, much to the dismay of the other guests and the club owner. As he sings his song, Fizzarolli and Asmodeus interject with their own song of lust, taunting Moxxie. The pair try to push Moxxie to sing about his sexual desires, but when he doesn't Fizzarolli and Asmodeus turn to insulting him.

When Blitzo speaks up to defend Moxxie, Fizzarolli and Asmodeus continue to sing about lust until Millie uses Moxxie's guitar to knock out Fizzarolli to let Moxxie finish his song. As Moxxie finishes his song, Asmodeus holding an injured Fizzarolli angrily tells Moxxie and Millie to get the fuck out.

Helluva Boss Season 2[]

"Seeing Stars"[]

At the I.M.P office, Moxxie and Millie sit together on a couch with mugs in hand and supports Blitzo in his efforts to talk to Loona about her attitude with clients. After Loona storms off Moxxie rubs Blitzo's shoulders, then when a light flashes in Blitzo's office the three imps rush in prepared to fight.

Later, along with Stolas, I.M.P go to Los Angeles on Earth in order to find Octavia after she stole her fathers grimoire. While the rest of the group go off to look for Octavia, Moxxie gets distracted by people who want to to sell him art and he begins to make money by singing with Millie in order to pay for it, much to the annoyance of the artists.

Later still, Moxxie has amassed a huge amount of art paraphernalia in a heavy bag that he's attempting to drag back to Hell. Just as another artist comes to sell Moxxie a CD, Millie kills the human and forces Moxxie to return to Hell without his bag of art, but while walking sadly towards the portal Millie picks him up and carries him through.

"Exes and Oohs"[]

In the I.M.P office while Moxxie attempts to brag about losing weight to an uncaring Loona, Millie barges in and in anger punches over a cabinet full of pictures that Blitzo makes Moxxie pick up.

When a helicopter arrives, the three imps get aboard and are taken to Crimson's mansion in the Greed Ring where he nervously introduces his father, Crimson, to his coworkers. Inside the mansion Moxxie sits in awkward silence until Chazwick Thurman enters and Moxxie explains their history together, and afterwards everyone goes to have dinner.

After dinner when Alessio takes the others to their rooms, Moxxie stays at the command of Crimson, where his father physically assaults Moxxie and explains to him that he will be wedded to Chaz. After leaving the dining room Moxxie goes to his room where Chaz attempts to seduce him, but after kicking Chaz out Moxxie looks at pictures on his phone, cries and goes to sleep.

The next day at breakfast after Millie leaves to look for Blitzo, Moxxie stands up to his father and refuses to go ahead with the marriage, but is stopped when Alessio tazes him and he falls unconscious. Moxxie is tied, gagged, and put in a wedding dress where he's forced into the marriage until Millie crashes the wedding to rescue him and take him and Blitzo back to the I.M.P office.

"Western Energy"[]

Blitzo gets a call from Stolas to save him, but as he is busy taking Loona to St. An's Hospital for a Hellbie's shot Moxxie and Millie offer to go save him instead. Moxxie drops Blitzo and Loona off at the hospital and drives off.

Arriving in the Wrath Ring, Moxxie fills the I.M.P van at a gas station and kills three demon bikers who are angry that their leader and Moxxie's hats are similar before leaving for Striker's hideout.

After the van crashes into Striker's mine shaft, Moxxie pulls out a rifle to shoot Striker. Moxxie and Millie become locked in battle against Striker but he makes quick work of the duo. With Millie unable to help, Striker pins Moxxie down and begins choking him until he turns the situation sexual which distracts Striker, allowing Moxxie to get free and fight back.

When Striker escapes, Moxxie and Millie find Stolas unconscious and rush him to St. An's Hospital for treatment.

"Unhappy Campers"[]

Despite I.M.P not usually taking on investigations, Moxxie is told to handle the job when Blitzo becomes infuriated while busy. Moxxie prepares for the case by planning everything out on a police investigation board, wanting his first mission to be "perfect".

Moxxie and Millie arrive at Camp Ivannakummore disguised as sister and brother Moxxine and Millerd Realboy. Despite Millie spotting the obvious suspect, Moxxie becomes upset until Millie gives in and agrees to do the job his way. Moxxie attempts to fit in with the teen girls but gets bombarded with insults.

Behind the cabins when Millie wants to kill the target she suggested earlier, Moxxie states he has to do the job right, and Millie concedes, giving him the idea to win over the campers with something he's good at. That night Moxxie sings a song but the campers scares them and they leave him to enjoy Millie's banjo playing, causing Moxxie to run off crying.

Later, Millie comes to check on Moxxie, whose crying in an outhouse, and makes him feel better. Throughout the week Moxxie continues to look for any leads for the investigation, but fails over and over and continuously gets hurt. At the end of the week with no results, Moxxie vents his frustration at Millie and the two get into a heated argument until Millie walks away in tears. Moxxie realizes he made a mistake and needs to fix it.

The next day, Moxxie goes on stage before Millie's concert to introduce her to the stage with a speech about how special she is. After giving Millie the microphone Moxxie goes to the boathouse to kill the target and finish the job.

Moxxie bumps into Blitzo in the bushes and the pair enter the boathouse to confront Counselor Jimmy and Barbie Wire. Moxxie attempts to kill Jimmy, but Barbie Wire fights to stop him, and Blitzo attempts to stop them both and the three imps begin to fight until a stray firework kills Jimmy.

With the job being done Moxxie goes to Millie and apologizes for his rudeness, and when she forgives him they end up having sex on stage in front of everyone.

Back in I.M.P Headquarters, Blitzo commends Moxxie for his first solo mission, but when Moxxie asks for reaffirmation Blitzo responds that no he didn't and that Moxxie is a total disgrace, much to Moxxie's sadness.




Crimson is Moxxie's father. It is shown in the episode "Exes and Oohs" that Crimson is very abusive towards Moxxie, and that they share an entirely negative relationship. Moxxie made every effort to avoid introducing his father, or even acknowledging his existence to Millie or Blitzo. Initially, Moxxie fears Crimson and is entirely deferential towards Crimson's requests and demands.

After suffering a litany of physical and psychological abuse by Crimson, and Chaz, after learning he was to be forced to marry Chaz against his consent, Moxxie was able to summon the courage to stand up to Crimson and reject his orders.

Unnamed Mother[]

Although Moxxie's mother was only shown in flashbacks, it is shown that Moxxie enjoyed a positive relationship with his mother. His mother would always help him cut up his food when he was a child and praise him for shooting bullseyes.


Millie is Moxxie's wife and co-worker. They have a very positive relationship with each other, with Moxxie often verbally and physically expressing his love and adoration towards Millie.

He appears to adore Millie's sadistic tendencies to a degree. It has been shown that while he is intoxicated, he continuously flirts and announces his love for Millie, much to her amusement and pleasure. Furthermore, Moxxie is very loyal to his wife, as shown from his rejection of the succubi's attempts to seduce him. Moxxie also flatly rejected every one of many seducing attempts by Chazwick Thurman.

According to Moxxie, he has been married to Millie for at least one year.

In "Unhappy Campers", it was revealed that Moxxie can become annoyed with Millie, especially at competition scenarios such as who can get more attention from the campers. From the very start Moxxie was doomed to fail by making a horrible first impression on the campers when he tried too hard to be liked resulting in them freaking out and pushing him away. Adding salt to the wound, Millie becoming instantly adored by everyone simply for acting natural and relaxed with the kids. This bothered Moxxie to such extend that he lashed out at his wife, blaming her for the mission taking so long to complete. This outburst upset Millie to tears, calling out Moxxie for insisting to do things his way, even though she pointed out the obvious target, Counselor Jimmy. When she told Moxxie this was the first time she felt important and someone to be proud of, he realized his mistake. Moxxie later apologized and praised Millie, providing his support and allowing his wife a much-needed moment to shine.

Joe and Lin[]

Moxxie enjoys a terse relationship with Millie's parents. Joe and Lin looked down on Moxxie due to his lack of physical strength and his display of intelligence, conversely Moxxie went to great lengths to ingratiate himself towards the pair. It is implied after standing up to Joe that he had earned their respect, to a degree.

Sallie May[]

Sallie is Moxxie's sister-in-law, and, like most of her family, she doesn't think much of him. Disrespecting him by saying he'll never earn her parents respect and even betting that Moxxie would die in the Pain Games.

Employees of I.M.P[]


Blitzo is Moxxie's boss. It was revealed in "Exes and Oohs" that they met as cellmates in a Greed prison and presumably broke out together. They do not have much of a positive relationship, as Blitzo frequently treats Moxxie like an underling and only briefly acknowledges his presence before skipping to what he wants to focus on, which frustrates Moxxie. Blitzo has a habit of questioning Moxxie's sexual performance and deriding him for not being a perceived lack of masculinity.

Blitzo's tendency to shift the blame towards Moxxie when his business antics go wrong has further soured Moxxie's view of Blitzo. Understandably, Moxxie also hates it when Blitzo stalks him and his wife after work hours.

Despite all this, he does hold some positive views regarding Blitzo, and is generally quite happy whenever Blitzo acknowledges him and his contributions to the company.

It was revealed over the course of "Truth Seekers" that the reason why Blitzo treats Moxxie in such a harsh manner is due to knowing that Moxxie is a far more capable assassin than Blitzo has suggested, and that he is envious of the relationship that Moxxie has with Millie; it is suggested that Moxxie's relationship with Blitzo has at least improved for the better following this event.


Loona is a co-worker of Moxxie's, he does not get along with Loona, with him looking annoyed or angry with her whenever they're on screen together. It is likely that Moxxie's view of Loona turned negative due to Loona's constant insulting and belittling of Moxxie, he once taunted that he considers her to be a "Homeless Meth-addict, that Blitzo leaves in charge of the phones".

During the events of "Seeing Stars", Moxxie had convinced Blitzo to attempt "tough love" against Loona to convince her to take her job more seriously.


Verosika Mayday[]

Moxxie has little knowledge of Verosika, due to his lack of interest in the forms of music that Verosika sings, as well as claiming that her status means nothing to him due to the forementioned fact. He was surprised, however, at discovering that Blitzo had enjoyed a personal relationship with Verosika in the past, questioning if Verosika had suffered brain damage sufficient for her to date Blitzo.

Moxxie made an attempt to politely and cordially resolve an issue between Verosika and Blitzo, only for Verosika and her gang to sexually assault him. Following this, Moxxie has seemingly held a low opinion towards the succubus.


Moxxie's attempt to form an amicable relationship with Striker quickly failed as the ranch hand belittled his attempts to prove himself to Millie's parents. Moxxie quickly became hostile towards Striker. Their rivalry came to a head when Moxxie stumbled upon Striker's plan to assassinate Stolas using a special sniper rifle, designed for killing demon royalty.

Upon their second encounter in "Western Energy", Moxxie along his wife have showed great enthusiasm to settle the score once and for all with Striker for abducting Stolas. Moxxie gave Striker quite the trouble before the other managed to subdue him. When Striker showed sadistic glee as he choked him, Moxxie teased Striker to go harder, feigning getting turned on by the treatment. Startled, Striker instantly let him go, allowing Moxxie to fight off cowboy in rather unconventional way. With the help of his wife, Moxxie managed defeat Striker by crushing him under a giant statue of himself. Upon examining the site, Moxxie expressed frustration by realizing that Striker has eluded them once again.

Chazwick Thurman[]

Chazwick Thurman was Moxxie's, and Millie's, ex-boyfriend. The two met at Moxxie's induction ceremony into the Mafia and quickly developed a criminal workplace romance. Chazwick eventually abandoned Moxxie during a bank heist, leaving a tearful and betrayed Moxxie to be imprisoned, effectively ending the relationship. Upon meeting again later, in the episode "Exes and Oohs", Chaz attempted to con Crimson and charm Moxxie into abandoning Millie and marrying him, but Moxxie proved unimpressed with Chaz and rejected his advances at every occasion, having to be forced at gunpoint to go through a farcical and failed marriage attempt. Following the interruption of the marriage ceremony, Moxxie escaped from Chazwick. It is unknown if Moxxie is aware of Chazwick's death.



Moxxie and Stolas are acquaintances through Blitzo. From what little of what has been shown of their interactions, Moxxie appears to hold a positive disposition towards Stolas, and appears to be generally supportive of Blitzo's relationship towards the Goetia Prince. He always respected Stolas and calls him “Your Highness”. In "Western Energy", he expressed fear and worried when Stolas called saying he got kidnapped by Striker. After him and Millie fought Striker, Moxxie was horrified to see how badly injured Stolas was and took him to the hospital, putting Stolas’ needs before his own.



Believing he had accidentally mortally wounded an innocent child, who was not their target, Moxxie became highly distressed, and went to great lengths to preserve his life. After discovering that he was the correct target all along, he had no issue in participating in his murder and subsequent mutilation.

Martha and Family[]

Moxxie initially found himself apprehensive to the idea of murdering Martha after discovering that she had a seemingly idyllic family. While not specifically sympathetic to her, he was not thrilled with the prospect of murdering her. He later realized his mistake fully after Martha and her family turned out to be homicidal Satanists and had no qualm in murdering Martha to protect Blitzo and Millie.

However, he still refused to kill her family, as he believed they deserved a chance to redeem themselves, and was distressed after the police killed them all, showing he still retained some mercy for Martha's family.

Employees of D.H.O.R.K.S.[]

During his captivity by D.H.O.R.K.S., Moxxie's expressed disdain towards his would-be interrogators. He privately expressed grave concern and fear regarding them while in captivity (and believing he was unobserved by them), fearing the prospect of the "earthly authorities" undermining them, but when freed his fear turned to hostility.



Moxxie was quick to verbally express his dislike for the cherub trio, expressing dismay towards their efforts to keep alive a human who, Moxxie believes, is an example of a terrible human being. Moxxie expressed no dismay towards the cherubs accidentally murdering their target and being subsequently exiled from heaven.


  • Earthly fire resistance - As shown in "Unhappy Campers", Moxxie is completely unharmed by the effects of human world fires.


  • Musical talent - Moxxie is a gifted singer and guitar player.
  • Bilingualism - In addition to English, Moxxie is also fluent in a little Yiddish.
  • Acrobatics - Moxxie is nimble and agile in terms of fighting, as he swiftly dodged all the arrows shot at him while swinging away on a strand of rope to intervene in Keenie and Millie's fighting.
  • Songwriting - Moxxie is able to compose music, having written "Oh, Millie" in honor of his wife.
  • Weapon Proficiency - Moxxie is proficient in the use of several weapons, most especially sniper rifles.
  • Disguise - Moxxie can utilize multiple outfits to pass on Earth.
  • Cooking - Moxxie is shown to be good at cooking.
  • Climbing - TBA
  • Swimming - TBA
  • Diving - TBA

Major Battles[]

Story of Joining Sora's Team[]

Moxxie was saved by Class 3-E, Kitaro, Sora, Marie, and All the Heroes from Kaho, D.H.O.R.K.S., Martha, and other villains especially Moxxie was surprised that Class 3-E was not like D.H.O.R.K.S. because Class 3-E knew that he, Blitzo, and his friends were targeting Yanagisawa making Blitzo, and his friends were quite surprised, especially Class 3-E saw Mayberry like Aguri Yukimura in the devil making Mayberry ask why Class 3-E thought Mayberry was like Aguri because Korosensei had previously was saved and then became a teacher before Aguri died, especially Mayberry was shocked that Aguri was her patient side with an angel's heart, making Mayberry cry but Class 3-E is the child who revived Korosensei by Class 3-E even though Class 3-E killed Korosensei before but that stranger that Korosensei never hated to Class 3-E because Class 3-E want to still alive then do it for Aguri duty that make him, Mayberry, and other cry that Korosensei is good teacher just like Aguri making Blitzo, and others were shocked Korosensei turned out to come to hell when Class 3-E was in hell especially Mayberry saw that Korosensei was a great teacher especially Korosensei saw that Mayberry was Aguri making Mayberry surprised that Aguri is the angel side that is accepted in heaven even though Class 3-E thinks Aguri's death was a mistake but Mayberry, Moxxie, Blitzo, and others encourage Class 3-E, especially Mayberry, Blitzo, Moxxie, and others are surprised that Aguri is an angel from heaven as invisible guard even though Blitzo sees Aguri like a Cherub but Blitzo, Moxxie, and the others understand that Aguri wants to protect the world from evil through guarding Class 3-E especially Moxxie, and Mayberry sees that Aguri is more worthy of being praised as a hero even though Aguri will go back to sleep but Mayberry, Blitzo, Moxxie, and others as demons swear to protect the pure souls of the students of Class 3-E from the evil of Yanagisawa, Xehanort, and other villains, especially Class 3-E, knowing that Martha and her family were the killers, making Mayberry become a devil, especially Mayberry was shocked that Class 3-E knew that Martha and her family became an evil partner of Yanagisawa, and other criminals because Class 3-E saw evidence that Martha and her family were getting finances and then became partners of criminals, and Yanagisawa Martha, and her family were angry at being called an evil devil by Class 3-E because Mayberry was the real hero made Mayberry happy, especially Kitaro, Marie, and other good Yokai, who can stand up against the villains thanks to Class 3-E as the fighter helper of Sora's team to fight crime, especially since Class 3-E knows that Moxxie, Blitzo, and his friend taught him a lesson about not being mean to others, and not being a cheater making Moxxie, and his friend happy about Class 3-E's words.
