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Kaju Nukumizu (温水 佳樹, Nukumizu Kaju) is one of the main characters of Too Many Losing Heroines! series. She is the younger sister of the main protagonist, Kazuhiko Nukumizu. Initially a major supporting character, she begins to get involved more frequently with the main cast post-Volume 5.

She's a second-year student at Momozono Municipal Middle School and the current Vice-President of their Student Council. She is best friends with Asami Gondo.

Somewhere between Volume 4 and Volume 5, she enters her third and final year in middle school and plans to enter Tsuwabuki High School like her brother


Kaju is a beautiful young girl who is of short stature, and she has very long, straight black hair that reaches down past her waist. Her hair is glossy and appears well-maintained, with a smooth texture. She has bangs that frame her face, enhancing her youthful and innocent appearance. The length and condition of her hair suggests that she takes good care of it. She also has large brown eyes, further adding to her innocent charm.

While Kaju has been seen wearing different outfits throughout the series, she is seen the most in her school uniform.

Many characters have commented on her cute appearance and beauty for her age, contrasting that of her much more plainer-looking older brother. However, there are people who note they look very alike. It is noted by Nukumizu that she does not even use or wear any makeup products.


Kaju's character is described as that of "the perfect little sister"; she can cook, is great academically, and can seemingly do no wrong. She is kind-hearted and extremely respectful to the people around her, and is well-liked wherever she goes. However, her biggest character trait is her massive brother complex, leading her to obsessively follow and track everything that he does, because she wants to know everything about him.

She often stalks him, but has harmless intentions otherwise. It is revealed that she had this brother complex from a very young age, and as a result of their parents often being home very little due to work, she developed this attachment to him due to them spending most of their time together. It is implied that she may have been one of the reasons for his friendless background at the start of the series, as in a flashback story, she is shown getting in the way of a potential friendship between a librarian girl and her brother back when he was in middle school.

As a result of her brother complex, she has a very high evaluation of her brother: in her eyes, her onii-sama is the most perfect man who can do no wrong. She turned down eight confessions from boys in her school, on the condition that they "need to be more outstanding than her onii-sama", before she'd consider going out with them. When describing her "ideal boyfriend" to her best friend Asami, she basically describes Nukumizu in her idealised image of him. She also has a tendency to ramble on and on whenever she talks about her brother, and it starts affecting her normally-unbreakable image.

She often enjoys role-playing as newlyweds with Nukumizu, re-enacting popular tropes like wearing coordinated clothing; like wearing the same type of pajamas, even down to the colour; hugging him from behind while he's preparing food in the kitchen; and borrowing books from the middle school library that he had just returned, because the borrowing card would then have both their names on it, plus since they both had the same surname, it "would be like they're married".

Whenever she feels that the siblings are drifting apart or a little lonely (as a result of Nukumizu's newfound social life), she will act extremely spoiled around him, and often does things like hang out in his room, sit on his lap, or hug him to "recharge her onii-sama battery". Despite her clinginess and love for her brother, she appears to be highly supportive of him getting a girlfriend, and regularly wishes to do interviews of his potential partners to ascertain their compatibility with him.

When she is being scolded firmly by Nukumizu, she usually listens to him and does not raise a fuss, but she is otherwise a girl who is determined to follow something all the way through once she has set her mind to do so. She appears to have trouble dealing with forceful, pushy personalities, similar to her brother.

Compared with other characters in the story, she uses extremely polite speech, and always refers to herself in third-person (a trait usually associated with children, or being cute). Although she normally has a cute, innocent demeanour, she is noted by her brother to be extremely scary when she gets angry; this is because she continues smiling in spite of her growing fury.

Kaju has been noted to be extremely mature for her age, and has been shown to extend her care and conscientiousness to people around her, even to someone she had just met for the first time. An example of this is displayed in a Volume 1 side-story, where she was noticed by Yumeko Shikiya at the "Toyohashi City Student Council League – High School & Middle School Joint Trip". She looked out for the other students, carefully and expertly portioning food for respective genders, and was noted by Tiara Basori (who was also present) to have also gone out of her way to help the less social students feel comfortable.

Later, Kaju develops a dislike for Riko Shiratama, as she feels that the latter is too "stimulating" a personality for her brother. This disdain is further exacerbated when Riko tries to stir things up by saying she wouldn't mind treating Nukumizu as her new "onii-chan", causing Kaju to defensively protect her position as the little sister. Through her interactions with Riko, it is noted that Kaju maintains her polite and respectful speech patterns, proving that she treats everybody apart from her brother with the appropriate deference.


Kaju is an excellent cook and baker, has great domestic skills, and has made a wide-range of food items throughout the series: these include traditional European confections such as pignolatta, streuselkuchen, and dragées, handmade chocolates, and a wide variety of dishes. Anna once commented that her confections were comparable to ones bought from stores, both in appearance and taste. Whenever visitors come over to their house, she is always ready with snacks, nourishments, and on one occasion, she even baked a cheesecake for the guests.

She has also shown an extraordinary ability to stalk her brother, take candid pictures of him while hidden, and even outwit a genius like Chihaya Asagumo, when she tried to place a listening bug on her.

Despite her seemingly boundless talents in many different things, she is revealed to not be very good at running


Kazuhiko Nukumizu[]

Nukumizu is Kaju's most beloved brother. She addresses him as "onii-sama", showing great reverence and immense amounts of respect towards him. The siblings have spent much time with each other, as their parents both work, leaving Nukumizu the duty of taking care of her while they were growing up. She once stated she thought he was her father at one point. She cares very deeply for him and will often be a source of emotional insight and advice for his newfound situations with his schoolmates or club members. At the beginning of the series, she worries that Nukumizu will end up going through high school without making friends again, and suggests many methods to ensure that he finally makes his first friend.

Although she takes care of most of the housework chores and cooking, Nukumizu will occasionally help her out, she will often visit his room to hang out or get spoiled by him (such as getting him to brush her hair), and will frequently search his room for material he has hidden from her. It is implied that she is aware of all the questionable material he tries to hide from her, his taste in anime characters, and knows how to correctly guess his passwords. Due to his influence, Kaju is also knowledgeable in anime, manga and light novels, and is implied to have read everything that he has read as well.

She has a very extreme brother complex, and eventually, it is revealed in Volume 5, she has feelings for him that go beyond simply sisterly love. When she was younger, she would cry when she thought she would be separated from her brother (he was only going to elementary school), and could barely stand the thought of being apart from him, to the point of planning to follow him on his middle school trip (only to be stopped by their mother at the train station). Kaju eventually admits to her best friend, Asami Gondo, that she can never tell her brother about the true extent of her feelings, as he only sees her as his little sister, and she does not want to cause trouble for him.

She once confessed to him stealthily, using Natsume Sōseki's famous line: "The moon is beautiful", but he was shown to be oblivious to it. As a result of her obsession and desire to know every detail about her brother, she regularly stalks him wherever he goes, and this is usually revealed in story intermissions.

She will often have fantasies about being newlyweds with her brother in various scenarios (for example, wanting to be hugged from behind in the manner of a married couple as she is preparing food), ramble on about foreboding situations with him (such as making him hopelessly dependent on her). She is then regularly nipped in the bud or cut off by Nukumizu himself, or her best friend, "Gon-chan" (Asami Gondo) before those fantasies can go out of control. Kaju is especially excited to find out that Nukumizu has a lot of little-sister themed novels, and this only further fuels her imagination regarding his feelings and tastes. For a period of time, Kaju mistakenly believed Nukumizu had a crush on a man, having stalked him during Christmas Eve, and seeing them have a romantic-themed dinner together at a restaurant.

Kaju also shows concern for her brother's less-than-desirable fashion sense, and takes painstaking efforts to ensure he dresses up well for his dates. She has been implied to have thrown away all the questionable clothes he has had in his wardrobe.

Although she shows great supportiveness towards her brother's potential romantic interests, Kaju fears loneliness and potential separation from her brother, and, after the events of Volume 5, has seemingly stepped up her aggressiveness in spending time with him. Some of her affectionate actions have also increased in intensity, such as wishing to sleep in the same room as he does openly, to the point of suggesting they get a bunk bed in his room for the purpose.


Asami Gondo[]

Asami is Kaju's best friend from Momozono Municipal Middle School, and is the friend she is seen regularly hanging out with throughout the series. Asami cares deeply for her best friend, and Kaju likewise. Kaju is very supportive of Asami's feelings towards her childhood friend, Satoshi Tachibana, and wished for her to confess her feelings as to not have any regret.

However, Asami turns the tables on Kaju, by correctly deducting that Kaju was projecting her own insecurities and unease about her future with her brother on her instead. She contends that, if she was aggressively pushing for Asami to confess her feelings to Satoshi, then why could she not do the same with her own feelings towards her brother? Asami is regularly shown in intermission stories interacting with Kaju, and often has to play the straight-man to keep Kaju's overflowing brother complex from going out of control. She is often depicted as eating and enjoying snacks with Kaju, leading her to use these to interrupt Kaju whenever she senses the latter about to cross certain boundaries with her imaginations.

In Volume 5, it is shown that Kaju picked up some horticulture from Asami, learning how to cultivate and trim a bonsai plant in her family garden.

She affectionately refers to Asami as "Gon-chan", while Asami likewise, refers to her as "Nuku-chan", using the first kanji of their surnames as a nickname. They are close enough that Asami once jokingly proposes to Kaju, which she rejects, because she only wants her "onii-sama". Unlike showing her support for Nukumizu's schoolmates, Kaju is not enthusiastic about the prospect of Asami getting with her brother, as she does not want to call the latter "onee-san".

Satoshi Tachibana[]

Satoshi is one of Kaju's friends at school. She is aware of Asami's feelings towards him and tried to encourage her friend to confess her feelings so as to not have any regrets.

She calls him "Tachibana-kun", while he refers to her as "Kaju-san".

Tsuwabuki High School[]

Anna Yanami[]

Anna is initially presumed to be the girlfriend of her brother, Nukumizu, leading Kaju to excitedly proceed with an interview with her to find out various information about her. Kaju is greatly supportive of him deepening his relationship with Anna and initially believes her to be the main romantic candidate. Anna also mistakenly believes that Kaju was made to address Nukumizu as "onii-sama", but the latter contends that it was Kaju's choice to do so.

She thinks Anna is a very beautiful person, and has a positive outlook on her large appetite, saying "she enjoys her food with such enthusiasm!". In a side-story in Volume 2, Anna suggested that Nukumizu had inappropriate thoughts about Kaju, to which she showed excitement and enthusiasm at the possibility of it being true. Later, Anna, being an only child, requests Kaju to call her "onee-chan". She started becoming excited and pushy around Kaju, leading both siblings to both agree Anna is someone they can't really deal with.

She refers to Anna as "Yanami-san", while Anna refers to her affectionately as "Imouto-chan".

Chika Komari[]

Chika's first meeting with Kaju was when she was invited over to the Nukumizu residence to learn how to make handmade chocolate from Kaju. She arrived at the residence covered in white powder, and was invited in to clean up in their bath. She lends Chika her only brand-new outfit, a gothic lolita-style dress, as her clothes were dirtied.

Kaju enjoyed her chocolate-making session with Chika and noted the latter's quick learning when teaching her. She thinks of Chika as girl who has a cute appearance, is smart, and who is great at housework, and supports her getting together with her brother.

She refers to Chika as "Komari-san", while Komari calls her "Kaju-chan".

Lemon Yakishio[]

Kaju believes Lemon is an attractive girl with a bright and cheerful personality, and has no problems supporting her to get with Nukumizu. They have not been seen having a lot of written interactions, however.

Back when studying at Momozono Municipal Middle School, Lemon was classmates with Nukumizu and was actually Nukumizu's seat neighbour, and she remembered noticing a cute girl constantly stalking him; which he then told her it was probably Kaju. Lemon also helped out Nukumizu and Chihaya by sweeping Kaju away while playing a game with her kouhais.

She refers to Lemon as "Yakishio-san", while Lemon refers to her as "Imouto-san".

Riko Shiratama[]

Kaju did not have a good first impression of Riko, especially after she infiltrated the latter's classroom to find out about what kind of girl she was. She thinks to herself that Riko may be "too stimulating" for her brother, based on hearing about how she behaved in class.

She eventually develops a disdain for Riko, firstly because Riko had a "overlap" in character to what she presented; and secondly, because Riko teased and suggested Nukumizu become her new "onii-chan", after she lost her previous older brother figure (Tanaka-sensei, who eventually became her brother-in-law). She then defensively asserts her position as Nukumizu's sister by sitting on his lap, and engaging in a thinly-veiled war of words.

Based on Kaju's description of Riko, Asami Gondo asserts that these two may be clashing because they're similar, and wonders if they can get along well once they understood each other. However, Riko is the only heroine whom Kaju has expressed opposition to pairing with her brother.

She refers to Riko as "Shiratama-senpai", while Riko calls her "Kaju-chan".

Chihaya Asagumo[]

They first met when Chihaya visits the Nukumizu residence, when Nukumizu brought her and Yanami over to privately discuss the situation between Lemon and Mitsuki. At the beginning, Chihaya starts off on the wrong foot with Kaju, as she refers to Nukumizu as "Kazuhiko-san". Hearing a girl she had only met for the first time address Nukumizu so casually, rubbed Kaju off the wrong way, and the misunderstanding deepens when Nukumizu is mistaken to be interfering with someone else's love affairs by her.

Later, in Volume 5, after being caught infiltrating the school with Nukumizu, Chihaya maintains the twin-sibling dynamic and assumes the role of the older twin sister in front of Kaju. This leads to Kaju expressing envy for this role-playing experience and she starts fantasising, but Nukumizu manages to distract her and calm her down. Chihaya then worsens the situation once again with a dubious explanation as to why they were sneaking around Momozono in their old uniforms. This leads Kaju to develop a dislike for Chihaya, as she hints at this incident later, when making chocolate with Chika, scaring both her and Nukumizu.

However, Kaju later forms a very odd friendship with Chihaya - over mutual respect - for each other's stalking abilities. They quickly become close and are involved in the Literature Club and Student Council's plan to help Riko Shiratama.

Kaju addresses her as "Asagumo-san" while Chihaya refers to her as "Kaju-san", to distinguish her from her brother.

On Sora's Team[]

Kaju joins Sora's team after being rescued from kidnapping victims Ehit, Abyss Order, and other criminals from help of heroes, Kazuhiko, Shougo Yumekawa, and other heroes, making Ryutarou surprised that Kaju is like Mitsuki Amanogawa, but Kaju doesn't seem to be a problem, especially since Myu likes Kaju, then Nariyuki Yuiga sees her like a younger sister, then Sunday (Honkai: Star Rail) sees her like Robin as his younger sister but Kaju tells him that Ehit and some other villains want to cause trouble again making Sora, Kuze, Class 3-E, Returnees, and all the heroes including Hajime Nagumo but Kaju actually ran away when the criminals didn't see him but Kazuhiko was happy that Kaju was safe but Kaju apologized to Aether if Lumine caused trouble but Aether had no problem with that because Aether was willing to stop especially when Kazuhiko was dressed in armor like Kouki making Hajime's classmate, and several heroes surprise but Kazuhiko is even more worthy of being a hero than Kouki, making Nagumo like the idea even though Kouki and Kazuhiko like to argue over their problems but they can be resolved
